Local people are spending millions every year at emergency rooms! Almost anyone connected with emergency room treatment and service will tell you that most of those trips could be avoided. Avoided without any added risk to the person seeking treatment.
A culture has built up over the last few decades that going to the emergency room is the only thing to do. Even large lacerations and serious bruises can be cared for at home with just a little preparedness and common sense. We rush off to the emergency room because it is there! Because 911 is there! Because we not willing to run a risk for our child, our parent or a family member.
For less than $ 20 dollars you could buy enough first aid supplies and home remedies to take care of 80 % of the cuts, burns and fevers that your family is likely to run into. But it starts with conversations with family members about what it's like to go to an emergency room. In moments of calm bring up a story of someone you know who went to the emergency and had to wait four hours, who only got an aspirin for pain or fever or had a bandage applied that may have looked more official but in reality the one you had in your medicine chest at home would have worked just as well.
Then in the conversation make sure the person learns about the cost, which may start at $ 500 but more likely go to$ 900. Follow up by saying that if the person was treated at home they would in all probability already be comfortable and maybe sound asleep and without the bitter experience of going to an emergency room for treatment.