HOW DID THEY MAKE IT?This week as I have taken care of our pets, I wondered how they as a species have made it down through the centuries. First there is the pet section in the grocery store. A whole isle on both sides is loaded with choice after choice; there is at least a hundred choices for our cat. Time after time again we have struct up conversations with other cat owners over which cat food to buy. Which brand does your cat like? Are they picky like ours is? I have threatened to bring Kaya to the store with us and let her see how hard it is to make a choice.
Back to the question; how did our cats and dogs get by before the modern era? We love them and don't mind taking care of them but Coley likes to take a walk, he want's to say hello to the other dogs in the neighborhood. I can't walk much any more so I put him in the van and with the window down drive him around the neighborhood, he barks at all the dogs and at the kids playing in the street.
Kaya is an indoor and an outdoor cat so we get our exorcise getting up and letting her out and in. Think of all the veterinarian clinics around the area and our town just opened a dog park.
So how did cats and dogs get by and survive as a species before we took it upon ourselves to be their guardian?