Saturday, October 12, 2019

More Of the Same !

Time Magazine came today but I find that I am reluctant to read it. I understand that professional Journalists have been working for days if not weeks and yes some have even risked their lives to bring me information about the world, still based upon what I've read in Time in recent months it will only bring me pain.
Every week there are reports of great hordes of people having to leave their homes on short notice. This week the fires in California are forcing them out.Last week it was a hurricane. Last week it was the Hispanics from South America still trying to get into the U.S., this week the Curds are being forced out. It seem like their destiny has been determined by the President of Turkey and the President of the United States. Both countries purport to believe in freedom and yet they are taking away the freedom of the Curds. So its little wonder that I am hesitant to open Time Magazine again this week.     

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