Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Peeking At the Rich

The last two evenings I have watched the Netflix special on Bill Gates. Now that he has stepped down as head of Microsoft he has focused his attention on how to solve three of the worlds biggest problems. Each of us would be wise to study his approach to problem solving and adapt what we could to our own lives.
True he has lots of resources including many well to do friends to help brain storm. You and I will probably not have those kind of resources but there's no harm of getting some of his advice free.
First he tries to find the real problem, the one that caused the difficulty to begin with. If we don't have the patience and or the courage to go back to that we will just be putting band aids on the surface.
Next he goes through a process of putting the possible answers on a board and evaluates their strength and weaknesses: will it take to long, will it cost to much,
will the public misunderstand and thus put up road blocks? In our personal life it may mean that our spouse will not understand or approve. In our work life it often takes awhile to bring the troupes on board.
Of course Gates has an extreme amount of resources but even so he must find something once established that will duplicate, something the community can continue to use.
Right now there is a need for large numbers of people who agree on the problems that we face and at least fall in line to support those who are hard at work trying to bring about a solution.

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